Trevor Allen finishes

#9 finish for Trevor – what an incredible achievement! Congratulations!

Julie Brock finishes

Julie has finished in 39 hrs, 12 min. Tremendous effort by Julie and her team.

David Billett finishes

Yet another strong Coast to Kosci performance by David. And it’s only a matter of weeks since his exceptional 6-day walk performance in Adelaide.

Grant Maughan finishes

Grant has finished in 35hrs 42min 16sec. Well done to the expat Aussie and his crew.

John Yoon has finished

John Yoon has finished in 8th place overall in 33:23:52, congratulations John and crew!

Maree Connor first female to finish

Maree Connor has led the women to finish in 30 hrs, 53 min, 28 sec. This is her second consecutive win at Coast to Kosci. Legendary effort Maree!

Post run beers are the best!



Running up that hill, Tim Kacprzak third male

Or briefly pausing. Tim Kacprzak in action on his way to the summit. And congratulations Tim finishing third male in 30:02:47.

Tim at the finish line – awesome work on finishing third male in 30:02:47

Scene at Charlotte Pass

We hope you’re enjoying day 2 of the race. Pictured here are Maree Connor’s extraordinary crew a they sit patiently waiting for their runner to return from the summit.

Morning weather report

Morning weather report: quite a bit of morning fog, should be mostly gone by 8am. After that should be quite a bit of sun. Warmer day today with Dalgety reaching a top of 26C, Jindabyne 22C and Charlotte Pass 16C, feeling much warmer in the sun.

Winds look stronger today, especially up the mountains. Gusting up around 50-60km/h on the mountains this afternoon (Will feel 4-7 degrees colder in the wind). There is a 30% chance of an afternoon thunderstorm up the ranges. Will be a small one so wouldn’t expect it to cause too much disruption.

What a morning!

An amazing sunrise as the runners approach the 24 hour mark

Morning view from Charlotte Pass

Dalgety at 2am

Runners and crew refuelling at Dalgety checkpoint at 2am


Runners and crews go steadily through Dalgety, where they are welcomed to the Dalgety Hall with four choices of soup, bread, tea and coffee courtesy of the locals Lachlan Beed and Texan Young.

The reports are that the leader, Nick Bamford, who passed through at 8:30pm, looked super strong.


Unfortunately Jan Hermann and Barry Keem had withdrawn from the race earlier today. Both are well and safe with their crews.

Tonight’s weather forecast

As the sun goes down, the forecast is looking relatively mild. Our weatherman Joel Pippard reports that the weather is getting down to 8C, feeling like 5C due to the winds that are expected to ease somewhat. There’s a good chance of late evening and early morning fog, particularly in the valleys. Saturday looks likely to be warmer and windier. At this stage Jindabyne will have a maximum of 22C and Charlotte Pass 16C.

The dead tree beckons

Runners on Bukalong Siding, where they pass the iconic dead tree on their way to checkpoint four.

Weather report

Good morning!  Weather report from our own weatherman Joel Pippard.

Rain looks to be clearing a bit for the coast and a cool 13C to start the race. There will be low cloud about today which may act as heavy fog from around Cathcart with a bit of light misty rain. Top temp about 18C. Should clear a bit more into the afternoon. Jindabyne did get 8mm of rain last night so there is a good chance of some heavier showers popping in and out up on the mountains.

Looks like great running conditions!

Good luck all!

Welcome to Coast To Kosci 2022

We’re delighted to commence the live coverage of Coast To Kosci 2022 a little bit earlier than usual – the registration finished earlier this evening and we managed to pull a few photos of the runners together ?


It's not a podium trophy, but something to be cherished and shared amongst the community.
There it is, double digits, amongst the bibs of so many other legends.
Keep on running, enjoy the journey and opportunities it brings.
#runnerscommunity #runhappy #coasttokosciuszko #run #coast2kosci #racebib #coasttokosci2022 #coasttomountainrunning

It`s not a podium trophy, but something to be cherished and shared amongst the community.
There it is, double digits, amongst the bibs of so many other legends.
Keep on running, enjoy the journey and opportunities it brings.
#runnerscommunity #runhappy #coasttokosciuszko #run #coast2kosci #racebib #coasttokosci2022 #coasttomountainrunning

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Quite fitting that I was wearing my coasttokosci 2022 shirt today. The hills and trails gave me flashbacks to that lovely Cow Bail Trail 😂🤮
#coasttokosci2022 #hills #fartlekrun #whywerun #goodr #lululemon #canberrarunning #running #trailrunning

Quite fitting that I was wearing my coasttokosci 2022 shirt today. The hills and trails gave me flashbacks to that lovely Cow Bail Trail 😂🤮
#coasttokosci2022 #hills #fartlekrun #whywerun #goodr #lululemon #canberrarunning #running #trailrunning

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