Matt Pilley, second male finisher, well done
Matt Pilley was also fourth overall 28:22:40.
Cassie’s blistering finish
Watch Cassie Cohen, second-placed female, with a time of 28:06:54. Cassie was overall third and her time was faster than the previous female course record.
Watch women’s race winner Allie cross the line
Congratulations Allie on a stunning new course record of 27:44:40. She was also the second overall runner through the tape.
Watch overall winner Benn’s finish
Congratulations Benn!
Up, up, up
Take a tour up towards the peaks of the main range and up to Kosci.
Flying solo: Thomas White, who ran 222km without a pacer
Thomas White fourth male through Charlotte Pass. He’s run 222km by himself without his pacer. Partner Rachel Burns will join him for the last 18km to the summit and back. A compact crew with just his dad Mark and Rachel.
Third male Kay Bretz coming through Charlotte Pass
Experience the last kilometre of the race
Will the women’s race record fall
Cassie Cohen and Allie Corripio are giving it a good shake! Brent Ford reports