In June each year, the Race Directors announce when applications for Coast To Kosci will open and close. Applicants apply via a form on this website and need to demonstrate they have met the qualifying criteria for entry. Coast To Kosci receives massive interest from applicants seeking a place in the field, resulting in the race being heavily over-subscribed.

In 16 races, 308 runners from Australia and around the world have crossed the finish line for a total of 572 finishes. 85.50% of start-line entrants have finished the race, up from 85.34% as compared to the previous year! Stephane Moulin claimed our 500th finish! The high ongoing finish rate is due to the runners chosen having been able to demonstrate their capability of finishing.


After applications have closed, all applications are reviewed against the qualifying criteria. We look at a number of factors and tend to rate tougher milers over easier milers, faster finishes over slow finishes, long trail races or road races over track races, longer races (e.g. 200km +) over relatively shorter races. We also try to enact a balance of old timers versus new runners, females versus males, etc. None of it is absolute, but we suggest that if you’re interested, then please ensure that your running resume indicates that it’s very hard for us to say no! Successful finishers with an Akubra will no doubt have an appreciation of just how hard the process is for us.

Ultimately, Coast to Kosci is an invitational race and Race Directors’ discretion determines how many runners are invited, given there will always be some withdrawals due to injury or COVID related issues. We prefer not to have a waitlist. We aim to ensure there are up to 60 starters on race day. In 2021, applications were atypically down due to COVID uncertainties, but ongoing it’s likely to be greater than 100. As much as we’d love to guarantee everyone a spot, we can’t do it…no matter what they’ve done.

Towards the end of July, successful applicants are announced. Each runner then receives an invitation to participate with timings on when entry fees are due, safety webinars and other key timings, the refund process, waivers, race schedule, latest race rules, etc.